About the project

Interdyscyplinarność wielokulturowość i sytuacje niestandardowe (logo)



Numer projektuKA203 nr 2019-1-PL01-KA203-065205
Project titleInterdisciplinarity, multiculturalism, and work with the patient in a non-standard situation in the context of conducting didactic classes in the field of medical sciences and health sciences in Centers of Medical Simulation / Interdyscyplinarność wielokulturowość i sytuacje niestandardowe – wykorzystanie symulacji medycznej jako narzędzia edukacyjnego w dziedzinie nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu.
Name of the coordinating institutionUniversity of Opole (Poland)
PartnersSlezska Univerzita v Opave (Czech Republic)
Meditcinsky Universitet Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
Duration34 months
Co-financing from the erasmus program285.563,00 euro


  • modernization of the didactic offer for students,
  • adapting the didactic offer to the needs of society and the economy,
  • improving the quality of education,
  • escalation of the attractiveness of teaching in the fields of study in the field of medical sciences and health sciences,
  • developing and strengthening the professional and scientific professionalism of Students and Teachers,
  • presentation of the phenomenon of population migration (characteristics of the most common cultures and religions)


The task of an international team consisting of academics and practitioners from Poland, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria is to develop a common database of simulation scenarios that will enable the Student to prepare at a high level for professional work in the field of: communicating in a therapeutic team, performing medical procedures, taking into account the multiculturalism of patients, communicating and dealing with a patient with a rare disease, appropriate response and proper performance of standard medical procedures in unusual and difficult situations.


The project is aimed at a wide range of students and partners educating in the field of medical sciences and health sciences. In addition, the project is dedicated to the teaching staff conducting classes in the above-mentioned areas (to acquire, improve, expand knowledge in the field of performing skills and procedures in the field of health sciences and in simulated conditions).

By assumption, the transparency of the obtained intellectual results is to support each individual interested in the subject of interdisciplinarity and multiculturalism in working with patients.


  1. The result of the work will be the unification of the methodology of therapeutic treatment and the development of optimal methods of communication of interdisciplinary teams towards patients of a different culture and religion; patients with a rare disease or in an unusual situation.
  2. An important intellectual result will be the implementation and dissemination of innovative solutions in the form of a textbook, containing the most important content related to selected cultures and religions.
  3. The authors will summarize important aspects of medical care for a patient who is religiously / culturally different in the form of a set of practical guidelines regarding direct contact of a physician with the patient and his relatives in hospital conditions (e.g. in the following situations: childbirth, diagnosis / coexistence of rare diseases, non-standard situations, death).
  4. The handbook will include a photo gallery as a reference to the substantive content and QR codes – which are links to team instructional videos created under the conditions of a medical simulation. The films will be made on the basis of simulation scenarios created thanks to the undertaken international cooperation (exchange of experiences).
  5. The team of experts will also create a new subject „Treatment of the therapeutic team towards patients in difficult non-standard situations and towards culturally different patients” and syllabuses for the subject. The use of the developed results in the didactic process will increase the attractiveness of students of all partners on the domestic and international labor market and will facilitate the free exchange of both teaching staff and students.


The project aims to modernize the educational offer, better adapt to the needs of society and the economy, and improve the quality of education, increase the attractiveness of teaching in the fields of study in the field of medical sciences and health sciences, as well as develop and strengthen the professional and scientific professionalism of students, in the face of the increased demand for educating professionals. in these areas, as a response to the problem of the demographic aging of European societies by:

Design and development of curricula:

  • allowing for teaching at a high level.
  • responsive to the needs of students.
  • allowing students to acquire competences in line with the current needs of the national and international labor market.
  • supporting the student’s personal development and educational potential in terms of knowledge, competences and attitudes.
  • Developing and implementing a database of simulation scenarios into the curriculum to optimize the preparation of future health care workers to: responding to non-standard situations, undertaking interdisciplinary cooperation, behaving towards culturally different patients and patients with rare diseases.
  • Mutual support, exchange of knowledge and experience of students and educators of medical sciences and health sciences in the field of medical simulation.
  • Strengthening cooperation between higher education institutions.
  • Ensure that educational potential and research reinforce each other through partnerships with universities in the Czech Republic and Bulgaria and by enhancing the role of higher education institutions in local, regional and international environments.
  • Supplementing and extending the knowledge, skills and competences of students and educators of medical and health sciences as well as through seminars, workshops, trainings and access to the handbook developed as a result of cooperation within the strategic partnership.
  • Introducing a greater variety of forms of education, including textbooks with Quick Response Code.
  • International cooperation in the development of scientific research using medical simulation.
  • Improving the processes of recognizing and certifying the competences of students of medical sciences and health sciences, resulting in the implementation of internships or parts of studies under the ERASMUS + program without program differences. Improving the quality and efficiency of learning mobility.
  • Providing more attractive education and training programs in accordance with the individual needs and expectations of participants (letter from the District Chamber of Nurses and Midwives recommending the project).
  • Implementation of new, interdisciplinary approaches at universities, enabling support for the competitiveness of employment of a graduate of medical sciences and health sciences on the local, regional and international market, promotion of interdisciplinary cooperation in the areas of science.
  • Supporting people in acquiring and improving basic skills and key competences in order to increase their employability and support social, educational and personal development.
  • Promote internationalization, including through automatic mutual recognition of qualifications and learning outcomes, and support higher education institutions in implementing the principles and tools of the Bologna Process to support universal mobility and the successful development of the European Education Area.


We expect that the results of this project will have an impact on several levels:

  1. Acquiring and developing new knowledge and skills in the field of communication and performing medical procedures for patients in difficult non-standard situations, in complex medical cases, for patients with different cultures, patients with rare diseases and developing optimal methods of team cooperation communication.
  2. Development of a textbook and scientific articles that will constitute the theoretical basis for teaching innovative subjects.
  3. Development of a database of simulation scenarios for students and educators supporting the education of students, taking into account the above-mentioned aspects.
  4. Exchange of specialists between universities and partner countries during the project implementation and after its completion. Organization of training courses, workshops and seminars, including teaching classes by staff from partner universities.
  5. Developing and developing a responsive teaching program to the needs of students, which will allow them to develop their additional competences, e.g. the ability to deal in practice with a culturally different patient, a patient with a rare disease, communication and dealing with atypical and difficult situations.
  6. Joint research and development activities at the international level and publication of the results of cooperation under the project in scientific literature in English, Bulgarian and Czech.
  7. Organization of trainings, seminars, workshops for educators and students – during the project implementation and after its completion.
  8. Constant exchange of good practices – expected results after the end of the project.
  9. Disseminating the results achieved and sharing them with educators from other interested universities.


Partner universities selected for the project (Medical University in Plovdiv (UM) – Bulgaria and Silesian University (UŚ) in Opava) are universities with a medical profile, complementing each other, having profiles and experience necessary for the effective implementation of the project in all its aspects . The partners (UM and UŚ) will benefit from the strategic partnership for higher education for the first time. PMWSZ-NOW UO is currently implementing the KA203 project for higher education, in which it is a leader. The three partners (PMWSZ- NOW UO, UŚ, UM) are long-term partners, and their cooperation is preceded by joint work in the area of ​​the ERASMUS + program (mobility of students and employees of higher education).

Czech and Bulgarian universities are also long-term and trusted partners. All partner universities have the ECHE card. Each university is a medical university with a Medical Simulation Center. The effect of the strategic partnership will be to educate students on the basis of the desired principles of Evidence Based Medicine, the development of an appropriate treatment method conditioned by cooperation within the therapeutic team, the extension of the education program depending on the fields of study, so that it takes into account the specificity of individual medical professions in accordance with the recommendations of the medical community (in attached), developing a unified procedure for patients in non-standard, multicultural situations, in terms of interdisciplinarity, educating medical staff, especially nurses, midwives and physiotherapists) in the field of diagnostics, treatment and behavior in non-standard situations, reduction of skills shortages among students and future staff medical, training academics in new and innovative therapeutic approaches and increasing the attractiveness of graduates of medical sciences and health sciences on the labor market. Each of the three universities aims to transfer the latest research results back to the education system. The teams included in the project at each of the three universities have experience in the area of ​​work in Medical Simulation Centers, complement each other and have a profile necessary for the effective implementation of the project in all its aspects. The main activities of the Polish and Bulgarian teams concern direct work with an advanced Medical Simulation Center on phantoms with scenarios of difficult, non-standard situations. The competences of the Czech team mainly concern the use of behavioral therapy in the aspect of multiculturalism. Each of the teams mentioned above In the areas of therapeutic and scientific activity, it has highly qualified units that make a unique contribution to the subject of the project. Partner universities, as part of their human resources, involve in the project employees already employed, whose additional tasks related to the project will not interfere with their basic professional duties.


The impact of the project is measured using a variety of evaluation tools each time at partner meetings and as a whole at the debriefing meeting.

These are: – financial reports – comparison of the assumed budget with its current state, – analysis of documents, – report on the implementation of activities of three partner universities on the basis of partial reports, presented by the project coordinator at each project meeting, – introduction of a SWOT / TOWS analysis for the project, – questionnaire: participants and students participating in a research project (they will allow participants to find out what the participants themselves think about the project being implemented, will enable them to get to know the opinions about the implemented activities among target groups and potential stakeholders, – interview: individual and group of students and participating staff in the project (knowledge and experience gained by learners or staff) Involving recipients in the development and testing process, – number of participants in conferences, job and education fairs, – feedback from the local, regional, national and international medical community.


The European Commission and National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission and National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Publication is free of charge.”

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