This textbook is the result of international cooperation within a project titled “Interdisciplinarity, multiculturalism and non-standard situations in medical simulation”, carried out by the teaching and scientific staff of three centres: University of Opole, the Silesian University in Opava and the Medical University of Plovdiv. The teaching and scientific staff of the University of Opole was both the initiator and the leader of the project. The main aims of the project were: modernisation of their educational offer, improved teaching quality and attractiveness, and the development and strengthening of work and academic professionalism of medical and health sciences students. These were also supplemented with the issues of patients’ multiculturalism and interdisciplinarity, considering rare, non-standard situations.
This textbook is made up of six chapters.
The authors believe that the textbook will provide practical teaching support for a wide range of readers.
Excerpts from the review:
„The current shift in the approach to health and the organisation of health care is leading to an interdisciplinarity of care plans-medical, community, social, family, multicultural, and others-and, consequently, of the teams that organise and deliver education in the health professions. The book position submitted to me for review, entitled Interdisciplinarity, Multiculturalism, and Nonstandard Situations in Medical Simulation Situations, fits perfectly into this trend.”
„The study was prepared by a team of experts from academic centres in Poland, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria – and at the same time from the field. The scientific editors, together with the authors, have summarised information about caring for people with various diseases, disorders and health problems with religious, national and multicultural aspects in a logical and structured scheme at an accessible level.”
„The authors’ intention was to provide the reader with knowledge about different religions, health problems, diseases, and human developmental disorders. The section of the book on different religions is an invaluable aid to medical personnel when dealing with a patient/patient from a different culture and religion. It will help avoid mistakes in professional practise.”
„[…] The book will serve both as an academic textbook and as an important writing position to support the self-education of medical professionals and will be a valuable source of practical knowledge for nurses, midwives, and all professionals involved in daily proactive patient care. The breadth of information and accessible presentation also encourage a wider readership of academics and students.”
Bożena Mroczek, PhD in Health Sciences
„[…] the reviewed study provides basic information about the beliefs and behaviours of followers of a particular religion and people of a particular culture, but is not a guide to the religions and cultures of the world, as the authors make clear in the introduction. Nonetheless, these beliefs and behaviours are often relevant in health care situations. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the phenomenon of multiculturalism and religion already in the training of future health care professionals. Knowledge of the norms of behaviour of followers of a certain religion or people of a certain culture, for example, in terms of traditions, the role of men and women, attitudes to sexuality, personal hygiene, characteristics of clothing, attitudes to health, illness, dying and death, is very important for dealing with patients, understanding their needs, diagnosing their problems, ensuring good communication, i.e. for professional medical care.”
„The training of future medical professionals is a long-term, dynamic process, subject to constant improvement and evaluation, with the aim of preparing them as well as possible to fulfil their professional duties. In this process, medical simulation, which is an innovative but increasingly common method in the training of physicians, nurses, paramedics, and physical therapists, is proving to be very effective. This method provides opportunities for safe acquisition of practical skills in conditions away from the hospital, without patient involvement, and gives the opportunity to act in situations that closely resemble natural working conditions. The special advantages of using medical simulations become apparent when the prepared scenarios reflect real situations as much as possible and represent non-standard situations that occur in medical institutions. Such situations, involving people in different physiological states and disease entities, patients of different religions and cultures, were collected and comprehensibly described in this study.”
„In summary, I conclude that the textbook submitted for review, entitled Interdisciplinarity, Multiculturalism, and Nonstandard Situations in Medical Simulation Settings, is a clear, synthetic, yet comprehensive and valuable source of knowledge representing various situations in medical simulation settings. It provides fundamental knowledge on topics that have rarely been addressed in the medical literature and encourages special attention to interdisciplinarity, multiculturalism, and non-standard situations in medical simulation training. The international editorial team, consisting of teaching and research staff working at universities in Poland, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic, is an important and remarkable asset that ensures the high quality of the study. I congratulate the authors on the topic covered and the way the content is presented, while recommending without reservation the publication of the textbook submitted for review.”
Elżbieta Cipora, MD, PhD in Health Sciences
The European Commission and National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission and National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Publication is free of charge.”
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