Bulgarian team

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Name and titleArea of expertise

Assoc. Prof. Gergana Petrova, Ph.D.

  • Department of Nursing care, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
  • Head of postgraduate specialization of Public health for Nurse and Midwifery in Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria;
  • Chair of State Exam`s commission of postgraduate specialization of Public health for Nurse and Midwifery;
  • Associate professor of Public Health;
  • Child’s Nurse – (9 years work experience, Clinic of Pediatric University Hospital “St. George”, Plovdiv;
  • Specialist in Medical education;
  • Specialist in Public Healthcare;
  • Health promotion, Adolescent mental health, Nursing, Health care;
  • Lecture courses students /Nursing specialty/ about children’s care and health promotion.

Senior Assist. Prof. Valentina Lalova, Ph.D.

  • Department of Nursing care, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  • The person in charge of Health and Safety at work; @education;
  • EUPHA coordinator for Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  • Master’s in Management of Health cares;
  • Specialist in Public health;
  • Ph.D. /Intensive Care Nursing/
  • Reanimation nurse in Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital for Active Treatment „St. George” EAD /3 years/
  • Clinical Practice in Portugal;
  • Teaching Mobilities in Slovenia, Latvia, Greece, Czech Republic , Poland, Spain.
  • Working on 2 International projects – Simulation Education for Nurses; Health promotion and Adolescent mental health.


Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria – (MU-Plovdiv) is a higher education institution accredited by the National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation (see: https://mu-plovdiv.bg/en/). She educates students in the fields of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Public Health, as well as postgraduate training of doctoral students and specialization of medical workers at the Medical College of the University. The institution has been operating for over 70 years. Currently, about 6,500 students from Bulgaria and other countries of the world study within the walls of the university. All academic programs at the Medical University of Plovdiv are carried out on a full-time basis, in accordance with the ordinance of the Minister of Higher Education on the acquisition of higher education. Classes are conducted in Bulgarian and English. The university aims to standardize the curricula and study programs with other universities in Europe (including the PMWSZ in Opole), with the aim of, inter alia, addressing issues related to the awarding of ECTS credits, mutual recognition of study programs and enhances student mobility. The new study plans are also related to the introduction of e-learning and interactive methods in the training process. All the elements necessary for modern education in the field of medicine, i.e. theoretical, preclinical and clinical classes with the use of the latest diagnostic, treatment and training equipment for medical, dental and other specialists, are included in the university’s educational offer. Clinical training takes place in five university hospitals, equipped with advanced equipment and up-to-date technologies. Students also take part in lectures, laboratory classes, exercises, clinical groups and take classes at the patients’ beds. They are also motivated to work individually, in line with their interests and professional plans for the future.

The academic staff consists of 811 academic teachers (212 professors and 599 assistant professors). It covers European standards in the field of medical training through: established, approved and implemented education quality assurance systems, professional development and self-improvement of lecturers, evaluation of academic staff, quality management in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008. All members of the academic staff have deep knowledge, great scientific achievements and extensive teaching experience. They are also recognized members of international medical organizations, participate in national, European and world research, work not only in the field of medical science and practice, but also in the development of medical education. Combined with modern equipment, it is a prerequisite for the mastery of medical knowledge and skills at the highest level by future doctors, dentists and specialists in sciences, medical and health sciences. Medical University of Plovdiv – is a member of the European University Association. It has the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, ensuring participation in international educational projects and programs of the European Union, guaranteeing the quality of education and mobility of students and employees for integration into European structures. Research activities at the Medical University of Plovdiv are synchronized with priority research areas of national and international importance. Research and scientific activities at various departments correspond to their specific field of biomedical science, clinical science, health care, etc. The university has qualified research teams to manage highly competitive projects, including: 7th Framework Program of the European Union for the development of innovation and technology, Horizon 2020, Grants EEA, Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), Human Resource Development 2007-2013, Science and Education for Smart Growth 2014-2020.

The Medical Simulation Center of the Medical University of Plovdiv is the largest and most complex training center for medical specialists in Bulgaria. Its mission is to guarantee the best possible education for students and doctors of various specialties, including internal medicine, pulmonology, cardiology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, pediatrics, anesthesiology, toxicology, surgery, orthopedics, obstetrics and gynecology. The Medical Simulation Center is equipped with technologically advanced phantoms for modeling various symptoms, conditions and diseases in the field of internal medicine, neurology, pediatrics, as well as obstetrics and gynecology, as well as in the field of the latest laparoscopic, arthroscopic and endoscopic simulators for virtual reality (https://mu-plovdiv.bg/en/about-us/centres/simulation-centre/simulators).

The Medical Simulation Center of the Medical University of Plovdiv is a unique educational complex of the highest quality, meeting ISO standards in Bulgaria. The Department of Public Health at the Medical University of Plovdiv was established a decade ago (https://mu-plovdiv.bg/en/faculties/faculty-of-public-health/mission/). It consists of 8 institutes: Social Medicine and Public Health, Health Service Management, Health Management and Health Economics, Hygiene and Eco-medicine, Epidemiology and Emergency Medicine, Biostatics and E-Learning, Obstetrics and Nursing. The educational offer includes undergraduate and graduate studies with almost 800 students. The Faculty employs 81 academic teachers (29 professors and 52 assistant professors).

The European Commission and National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission and National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Publication is free of charge.”

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